Sunday, 16 August 2015

Why Online Education Is In?

        Traditionally, when people talk about education, what comes to their mind is a room where students and teacher meet and have a face to face interaction for learning to occur. However, the classroom environment evolved significantly in the late nineteenth century, from the four walls of constructed learning environment to an online virtual cyberspace learning environment[1]. This change happens when the distance education was developed. The main goal of this mode of education is to provide opportunities for those individuals who do not have the opportunity to come to school and attend formal classes.  In the United States of America, it has become a well-known and significant piece of the education pie. The increase of student population that have shifted from traditional classroom to online education is an indication that online education has equally great impact on students life the traditional face-to-face mode of education does[2].
    Turner & Crews cited that the fundamental shift of students to e-learning is due to the flexibility, lower cost and variety of choice offered by the distance education. The choice of students to enroll in distance education is due to the transformative potential of information and communication technology that is offered by this mode of education which is a significant tool in preparing the students to be capable of facing the challenges for a global information society. The teaching and learning process in e-learning provide opportunities for the students to engage actively in the learning process and can develop the students thinking skills. Online education indeed has an impact on the lives of the students. Though the discussion and the teaching-learning process is done online still students learn as much as students in the traditional classroom setting do because the course offered are in line with the curriculum of the usual education system. With this mode of education, students are still able to pursue their studies and finished a degree despite the work they have done or whatever circumstance they may in.
Moreover, students are also trained to manage their time wisely and creatively as compared to their time management skills in the traditional setting of education[3].  
     In terms of the curriculum effectiveness, the online education is also well-planned and efficient for the educational needs of the students. Several researches have been conducted in assessing the efficiency of the distance education in meeting with the academic needs of the students. The curriculum for online education is patterned in the traditional mode of education so that no significance difference on the outcome will happen.
   In this fast pacing world, where everybody is busy coping with the changes and with the trends in life, it is necessary that our education system will not be left behind. Hence, the online education becomes a contentious trend in order to provide education to everybody despite the various circumstances that hinder them to attend school in a traditional setting.

 1. Swan, Karen. “Learning Effectiveness Online: What the Research Tells Us”. Research Center   for Educational Technology. 2003.<>
 2. Turner Freda and Crews Jack. “A Comparative Analysis of Online and Traditional Educational Settings”. Online Education Journal. April 2005.
 3. Swan, Karen. “Learning Effectiveness Online: What the Research Tells Us”. Research Center   for Educational Technology. 2003.<>

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Digital Forensics: How It Works?

   Handling of evidence is remarkably the most essential part of digital forensics. Being a digital forensic expert, it is necessary that you understand that one of the recent changes in handling of digital evidence is the shift from “pulling the plug” to getting “live” evidence from the suspect’s computer[1]. It is also necessary that it is understood that in this modern time of computer era, there are applications and data that cannot be traced in the hard drive of the computer because there are data stored in USB sticks or external data storage; hence, as digital forensic expert, it is necessary that you have to check for available storage data in the computer before searching evidence in the RAM or hard drive. There are now available applications, such as Malware, and popular web browsers that can hide data and keep them undetectable in the operating system; hence, analysis of the memory must be done using the trusted local tools or binaries[2]. Cohen (n.d) enumerated the necessary sites or parts that may store documental evidence during searching a computer or digital source. These include the cache and register content of the CPU, the routing table (ARP cache), memory, temporary file system, data stored in hard disk, the remotely lagged data, and the data stored in the archival media.
    Before any form of evidence is collected, it is necessary that a warrant to search and for seizure is being issued. Any digital forensic investigator should first seek authorization from appropriate authorities before conducting any process for computer intrusion[3]. It is also necessary that the person who will execute seizure of digital evidence is knowledgeable about the three governing laws for digital forensics, namely the Wire Tap Act, Statute on Pen Registers and Trap, and Trace Devices and the Stored Wired Electronic[4].
   Consequently, the following steps must be done by the digital forensic expert that must ensure preservation and proper collection of evidence[5]. These include the following steps:
a) Take a picture of the computer and the entire scene.
b) Do not turn off the computer if it is on and make sure to photograph the screen.
c) Collect all the live data and collect the logical image if there is a disk encryption.
d) Unplug the computer or the laptop and diagram and label all cords.
e) Pack all the components including the data storage using anti-static evidence bags.
f) Make sure that all components are away from magnets or radio transmitters.
g) Check whether all the steps seizure are well documented.
To further secure the gathered and collected data, the digital forensic expert should only use the trusted local tools or binary in order not to damage the evidence, the impact should be minimized and there must be intensive recording of the system logging conducted[6].

1. Cohen, F. (n.d). Fundamentals of Digital Forensic Evidence. California Sciences Institute. Retrieved from:
2. Sharma, H., Arya, M. & Goyal, D. Secure Image Hiding Algorithm using Cryptography and Stenography.  IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering.  13(5). 2013. Retrieved from:
3.Ibid., 23.
4. Cohen, F. Fundamentals of Digital Forensic Evidence. California Sciences Institute. n.d.Retrieved from:
5. Ibid.               

Fault Tolerance in NoC (Network-on-Chip)

   Among the favorite topics of research in the field of information technology is parallel processing which involves computer networks and network interfaces. In 2000, the field of NoC or Networks-on-Chip was designed because of the advent of the multi-core computer processing unit (CPU) and due to the predicted computing growth towards extremely incorporated design with interconnected networks. Several surveys have been conducted about NoC and have been published. One of the leading topics that involve NoC is the fault-tolerant design which is well-known in terms of its significance and interest of the experts in technology and computer system.
   In order to cope with the fast growing trend of the computation-intensive application and the need for low power yet high performance system, several computing resources in single chips have been invented[1]. This becomes possible because of the presence of the current VLSI technology which can support an extensive integration of transistors. The presence of interconnection among several computing resources such as CPU, DSP, specific IP’s and other resources in System –on-Chip, the interconnection process have become more challenging[2]. The continuous evolution of new application has become the reason of the invention of some new processor, memory and accelerator cores. Moreover, the fast development and improvement of computation and the complexity of communication have caused the invention of the scalability-centered paradigms. These are the reasons why network-on-Chip (NoC) is designed in order to be an alternative in providing high-performing communication system in the field of Systems-on-Chip (SoCs) with several cores incorporated in one silicon die[3].
   The Netwok-on-Chip is an effective architecture in the communication system under the System-on- Chip. It permits the incorporation of hefty quantity of computational blocks in a single circuit. NoC allows the reutilization of blocks which results to the provision of high degree parallelism and performance of the system in higher level. Accordingly, the rising demand for NoC is a result of the requirement to achieve higher bandwidth if the field of communication. As stipulated in Moorse law, the integration of the transistor can be doubled within the approximate eighteen months, however, challenges and the competition of the physical connection in Integrated Circuit (ICs) has caused severity in the delay of connections among the global wires[4]. The traditional method of connection namely, end-to-end, bus-based and other are not good solution to the problem regarding the wire delay in integrating IP cores with System-on-Chips because they do not scale well if there are more mechanism that are supplied into the system[5].  Moreover, there is the ad hoc solution that is of varying buses, crossbar and wiring that can attain mainly advantageous performance especially for specific application. However, the system cannot be recycled and it requires great costs for its development and verification.
  This is where NoC comes in because it has the potential of providing short circuits and can thereby reduce the delays in wire. The utilization of NoC replaces the traditional methods of interconnection and it has several advantages in terms of its performance and modularity. Furthermore, it was observed that the utilization of NoC among electrical properties have  optimized, while it has reduced the power consumption ten folds and increased the speed three times as compared with the system that utilizes the bus-based connection.

1. Chen, S.J., Lan, Y.C., Tsai, W.C, & Hu, Y. “Fault Tolerance in BiNoC”. Springer. 2012. 157-171.
2. Ibid., 158.
3. Radetzki, M., Feng, C., Zhao, X & Jantsch, A. “Methods for Fault Tolerance in Networks-on-  Chip”. ACM Computing Surveys. 2013. 46 (1). 1-38.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid. 

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Identity-Based Cryptography

        The progressive era of computer systems and telecommunications have call for the pervasive development of technology that prioritizes the security, confidentiality and authenticity of information. Hence, the identity-based cryptography has been invented and is utilized in the world of telecommunication and information technology. Identity-based cryptography is a kind of public-key computerized decoding among openly known string which may represent an individual or an organization. The public string utilized may include an electronic mail address, domain name or IP address. IBC proficiently manages the keying material and supply an easy way of issuing a pair of key applicable to the user‘s key information.
   Cryptography is a science and art of message encryption that transforms a message into a covered version that cannot be intercepted and understood by unauthorized individuals but it can be successfully received and understood by the anticipated receiver. The procedure of encrypting and decrypting a message is governed by keys which are commonly composed of the small information and cryptographic algorithms[1]. It is used in order to provide security goals among ad hoc networks especially that the lots of threats are experienced in this communication system.
  The identity-based cryptography is dependent on the third party called the private key generator (PKG) which can generate either a public or private keypair (indicated by pkPKG or skPKG) and make the pkPKG accessible to the users of the services. The given keys are known as the “master”, and there are two masters – public key and the private key, respectively. Both the public and private keys are interrelated in the sense that only the public key which is utilized in encrypting messages and on the other hand it is the matching private key which can be employed in decrypting the code. Therefore if an outsider compromises the public key, it is them not viable to figure out the private key, hence the message will not be decoded. The relevance of identity-based cryptography is that it requires accurate validation of certificate since it involves multiple node certificate instead of a chain of certificates.
  The procedure of encryption indeed ascertains the confidentiality of the message that is sent. It is accompanied by having a digital signature that strengthens the security goals of the message. The transmission of the message is done by sending a message using the algorithm key and a private key as signature of the message. Then the message along with the signature is sent to the receiver, and the recipient will also apply the verification algorithm on the message-signature pair[2]. This verification algorithm needs a verification key which is the public key provided by the signer in order to verify the documents or messages. It is after the verification stage wherein the message will be accepted or rejected depending on the result of the verification.
  Though the IBC had proven to be an efficient mechanism in securing and keeping safe of confidential information, still it has its limitations that must be addressed properly in order to ensure efficiency and proficiency of its functions. This technology provides wireless communication that promotes more secured and protected transmission of messages. These new schemes can be utilized as bases for administering programs and security plans in the promulgation of confidentiality, availability and authenticity of messages.

1. Sagheer, Ali and Taher, Hadeel. “Identity Based Cryptography for Secure AODV Routing Protocol”. (2012). 198-201. Telecommunications Forum.
2. Youngblood, Carl. “An Introduction to Identity-based Cryptography”. (2005). CSEP. 1- 7.      

Driverless Cars in the Future

   Maneuvering a car in the streets is accompanied with various ethical and moral decisions. The driver has to decide when to speed up, when to take his eyes off the road or whether he stops when approaches traffic light that turns red. These are just some of the things that a driver must consider in order to uphold and maintain the safety in the streets not only for himself but for everybody. These decisions contain both practical and moral components to the driver which are eliminated in the presence of driverless car. Indeed with the advancement in technology and the continuous venture in coming up with extraordinary and practical inventions, a driverless car is very possible to rule the leading and busy streets in the future.
   A driverless car can be operated using the integration of sensors and pre-programmed logic in order to evaluate and respond to several situations such as sharing the road with other vehicles, adjusting with pedestrians[1]. This has been the main concern of the technologists and ethicists when it comes to inventing the future cars. They have the goal of creating driverless cars that can outperform the human skills in driving and routines in the streets. These cars apparently have better perceptive abilities and faster reaction rate as compared to human drivers. Moreover these new technology are free from any form of distractions such as using the phone, eating, drowsiness or physical discomforts and emergencies  that may occur when the driver experienced heart attack or stroke.
   According to survey 90% of vehicle crashes are caused by human error, hence it is the goal of the inventors to minimize this prevalence of accidents through the driverless car[2]. They are expecting that an automaton like can remarkably decrease the accidents without launching new form of mistakes.
   Though there are perceived possibilities of accidents, a driverless car is programmed with higher precision in detecting potential hazards and has connection with higher precision of human-eye connection. This can definitely reduce moral dilemmas that human drivers are encountering.   While it is true that most of the high-end vehicle in the market today is equipped with high degree of automaton, still these driverless cars are made more sophisticated. It is invented with remarkable adaptive cruise control, precise lane-keeping technology and accident-detection censors. This technology can definitely reduce the risks of accidents and moral issues that most drivers have been encountering while maneuvering vehicles in the street[3]. It is therefore, one of the concerns of the manufacturers to provide technological solutions in the invention of driverless car in order to enhanced safety and awareness.

1. Kirkpatrick, Keith. The Moral Challenges of Driverless Cars. 2015. Communications of ACM    (58) 8. 19-20.
2. Kirkpatrick, Keith. The Moral Challenges of Driverless Cars. 2015. Communications of ACM    (58) 8. 19-20.
3. Ibid., 19. 

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Distribution of Smart Government

The advancement in technology had influenced several aspects of the society including politics and governance of the state. Government officials have find enhanced ways of providing the country’s citizens with services that will surely satisfy their needs and meet their expectations. In the recent report made about technology it was revealed that the world of social media must be employed in order to make the citizens updated and more involved with governance[1]. The public must be engaged in the decision making of providing services, revealing data through transparency, and participating in the making of policies[2].
   The technology of smart government is applicable in empowering the citizens through government transparency, having an enhanced operational efficiency, better delivery of government services and by coping with the latest trend in computer technology. The advent of technology as well as applications in social media has upgraded the expectations of the citizens especially when it comes to service and implementation of programs[3]. In order to adapt to this new trend of technology, the government is faced with the challenge of utilizing the digital commotion to their advantage. The government agencies must find ways in empowering the public by transforming the experiences of constituents, embracing mobility and turning big data into a new insights and opportunities.
   The prevalence of smart government is increased with the availability of Smartphone. Since most citizens have already smart phones, this increased the accessibility of the governments’ mobile application to perform wide range of administrative tasks like renewal of driver’s license, paying commodity bills or even purchasing reservations in parks, recreation area and many others.
   With the studies conducted about smart government mobile application, it is suggested by experts that the government agencies must improve the advancement of mobility by pursuing initiative of national broadband, community Wifi, application authentication which are approved by the government and conducting contests on the development of mobile application[4].
  One of the foreseen significance of smart government is that it shows great significance in improving the access to information and services, and provision of mobility through the availability of new network channels. Indeed, smart governance can be a positive influence in making the citizen more engaged in the paradigm of a transparent and just government system.

1. Welsch, William. Smart Government: All Disruption. 2015. Information Week.
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Welsch, William. Smart Government: All Disruption. 2015. Information Week.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Cyber Crime and Economy

     The continuous improvement in technology especially in business sectors, along with the explosive intensification of the social media and data connectivity has enduringly changed. Unfortunately, the advancement in technology, connectivity and internet access has also negative impact. It has empowered sophisticated criminals who operate behind radar [1].  Moore (2005) further cited that the digital media had caused operation of cybercrimes in which most are unnoticed and most organizations were unable to realize that they are being targeted by such types of crimes. This makes most of the electronic fraud and cyber crimes become the most threatening kind of crime that affects the economy[2].
      In 2010, it has been observed through the surveys conducted that there have been continuing cases of cyber crime that targeted some business sectors. There are more than 11% of those financial sectors suffered monetary losses of more than $1 million US dollar due to cyber crime[3]. More organizations perceived that cyber crime is increasing at a remarkably fast pace as compared to the reported concrete incidents. Furthermore, 48% of the CEOs in the most recent Global CEO Survey revealed that they were concerned with the threats caused by the cyber fraud and also with the lack of data security of the information technology employed in most business sectors[4].
    The e-commerce in United States has been faced with increasing threats of the cyber crime. Several studies have showed that scam, protection and privacy are the principal detriment of the progress in e-commerce[5]. It cannot be denied that most of the previously prevalent economic crimes have the present-day cyber versions. These crimes provide criminals greater payoffs with lesser risks. Among the common cyber crimes include hijacking and spoofing of websites, compromised online payment systems, and electronic money transfer.
    Nevertheless, though some organizations are already aware of the various types of threats caused by cyber crimes still there are many of them who do not really understand on the capabilities of the cybercriminals in accessing their system. They are never aware of the possible targets and of the real value of those targets in their organizations. Nevertheless, more and more companies continuously make critical data that are available to their administration, employees, vendors and clients on a massive amount[6]. Business companies also employ varied techniques in addressing cyber crimes such as high risk platforms which includes mobile devices and clouds due to its enormous benefits both on the economic and competitive aspects.

1. Coleman, K.G. Cyber Intelligence: The Huge Economic Impact of Cyber Crime. 2011. Retrieved from:
2. Ibid., 3.
3. Lister, J. 2011. Impacts of Computer Cyber Crime. 2011. Retrieved from:
4. Lister, J. 2011. Impacts of Computer Cyber Crime. 2011. Retrieved from:
5. Coleman, K.G. Cyber Intelligence: The Huge Economic Impact of Cyber Crime. 2011. Retrieved from:      economic-impact-of-cyber-crime/
6. Ibid., 11.

Monday, 10 August 2015

Impact of Social Media in Marketing

     Just in 2015, eBay released a prediction that the cost of social media in the retail sector will increase double from $2.28 billion to around $4.56 billion in the next two years (Howell). Conventionally, social networks were not used as marketing tool to directly enhance e-commerce sales. However, in the report presented by Nielsen through its Global e-commerce report in August 2014, 61% of the population spends more time doing research on online channels about the products they want to buy[1]. More interestingly, 43% of the customers stated that they browse through social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Google in order to seek idea about the products they want to purchase[2].
    In the recent report presented by State of Corporate Social Media it showed that 72% of the senior managers confirmed that social media has remarkably great impact on their business organizations in terms of increase in revenue. Moreover, they agreed that this increase would not be possible without the aid of social media. The social media does not only affect the financial aspect of the company but it also increased the company’s quality of customer service, customer insights, employees’ engagement and development of products. More interestingly, most of the respondents of the survey said that they are very sure that this trend in social media will continue to progress in the coming years. In fact 83% of them believed that the public has not yet fully utilized the potential of social media[3]. Hence, it would not be a big surprise if in the coming years the impact of the experiments conducted by companies on the utilization of social media will be observed and experience in marketing
   The presented statistics shows the impact of social media in motivating customers to do shopping online through judgment of the visual content and the description of the product presented in the web.  While there are still other customers who have hesitation in making purchases through the social networks, it cannot be denied that the online shopping trend is growing rapidly. It further shows that this growth and progress will ultimately have greater and positive consequence on online business[4].   
   As the world progresses in new era of marketing, it is apparent that business companies have continued to advance in the utilization of social media as a fundamental part of the advertising toolset. Moreover, the marketing in social media is remarkably increasing. Gervelis emphasized that by 2018 social media users will increase up to 2.44 billion from today’s users which is 1.79 billion. This showed one importance fact, the social media continues to be a significant element in marketing despite the nature and categorization of business is it.  
    While it is true that there are still marketers who are struggling on how they could apply social media on their products and what marketing strategies they could employ, but in 2015 the social media will continue its expansion in the digital mobile networks.

1. Con, Jordan. The Evolution of Social Media Marketing “Success”. Digital Marketing Magazine. January 2015.
2. Ibid., 12.
3.Ibid., 15.
4. Con, Jordan. The Evolution of Social Media Marketing “Success”. Digital Marketing Magazine. January 2015.